Wiki source code of Home

Last modified by Megan Craig on 2022/10/28 04:29

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1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox"}}
2 {{velocity}}
3 {{html clean="false"}}
4 ## Chrome's XSS Auditor blocks the preview action if:
5 ## * the submitted content has an iframe with an external URL
6 ## * the preview action displays the submitted iframe
7 ## The workaround is to make sure the submitted content (the macro markers) don't match the preview HTML.
8 ## See XWIKI-14818: Preview triggers ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR in Chrome
9 #set ($iframe = 'iframe')
10 <$iframe src="" title="YouTube video of XWiki" role="presentation" allowfullscreen></$iframe>
11 {{/html}}
12 {{/velocity}}
13 {{/box}}
15 = Welcome to the Levellers' Co-op Information Directory =
17 Feel free to roam through these pages and make use of the search feature above to find what you came for. If you need to update or edit anything you can do so by logging in. You can find your login information ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~__(TBA).
19 This directory is apart of XWiki, and whenever you make a modification to a page in XWiki, it is stored in that page's version history. You can compare any 2 versions of a page to see what has been changed between them. **No content is ever lost** — all the content you add to your wiki throughout time is saved. You can easily rollback to a previous version of a page if a recent modifications appears to be wrong. You can also see who edited what and add comments below your edits.
21 = The basics =
24 [[Frequently Asked Questions>>Frequently Asked Questions]]
26 [[Rules of Levellers Housing Co-operative and Occupancy Agreement>>Occupancy Agreement]]
28 [[Policies>>Policies]]
30 [[Robert's Rules of Order (Cheat Sheet)>>attach:MSG-ROBERTS_RULES_CHEAT_SHEET.pdf]]
32 Rental Assistance Program (Subsidy)
34 General Meeting Minutes 2021-present
36 (% class="row" %)
37 (((
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